Times of India - "Is it true that trees closer to the phone towers are turning lifeless?"
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Research has uncovered that EMF radiation, much neglected in its influence, can have drastic and unforeseen effects on plant life. From dwarfing plant growth in trees to compromised chlorophyll development in plants, the unexpected andboverlooked damage caused by EMF radiation is more far-reaching than it is thought to be.
Scientists built Faraday cages, which are like a metal shield that blocks electromagnetic waves and prevents them from getting inside, around certain trees to cover them from man-made EMF, while other trees were exposed to background levels of EMF from cell towers and TV antennas. The findings were surprising, trees protected from EMF radiation showed visibly increased shoot growth (74% more than the control trees) and 60% greater leaf area. The contrast was a noticeable depiction of the stunting action of EMF radiation on tree growth.A 2015 follow-up study by German scientists further tested the impact of EMF on trees around cell phone towers. They chose 120 trees and divided them into three groups: 60 highly damaged trees, 30 from low-radiation zones, and 30 from random areas. The study concluded that all damaged trees were around cell phone towers and were damaged more on the side where the towers were located. This trend implies that EMF radiation from cellular phone masts is detrimental to trees, producing injury beginning on one side of the tree and gradually moving around the entire tree.